Quality assurance

Quality Assurance


Customer Promise

Quality Assurance


Customer Promise

Quality Assurance

Assured quality with genuine Japanese batteries; zero battery recall since 2010

Durability test for more than 8 years

Pioneering the EV movement means we're miles ahead of the curve. With a reputable history of reliability, Nissan LEAF has covered billions of kilometres worldwide - enough to circle the globe and back.

No risk at all under the rain

Electric vehicle chargers are designed to be weatherproof and made specifically to avoid any injuries to you or damage to the car.

Electrify your future today


Our customer promise

Every Nissan LEAF is backed by 8 year/160,000km mileage Nissan LEAF Battery Warranty a Vehicle Warranty that includes 3 years/100,000km mileage (whichever comes first) coverage.


The joy of low maintenance

Driving electric has more than a few unexpected benefits. Without a petrol engine, of course there are no more fill-ups, but you also do away with a lot more. There are fewer moving parts overall, which translates into less maintenance.

Goodbye Petrol Engine

With a 100% electric motor, say goodbye to all the check-ups and maintenance, and hello to more time on the road.

Goodbye Oil Changes and More

With no need for oil changes and far fewer moving parts, going EV means significantly less maintenance.

Start Every Day Fully Charged

Forget frequent stops at petrol stations. Charge overnight and wake up ready for the day ahead.

Customer promise

Trust Nissan, we are with you along the way



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